Who Said You Can't Dance

(above: still from documentary)

This documentary by David Block shows that wheelchair users, whether athletically mobile or not, can learn to dance with a standing partner. Whether the wheelchair users choose to dance competitively or not, the activity puts them in a world without limits. They were taught to believe that their disabilities would limit them, and now doing something that they thought they would never be able to do exposes them to a world of possibility. "Who Said You Can't Dance" counters the myth that wheelchair users are helpless and incapable of leading active lives. This documentary illustrates that dancing is fun and inclusive and easy...and that standing is not a prerequisite for dancing. 

(video not publicly available at this time, contact David Block at blindfilmmaker.com for viewing info)

Gift Horses

This video by David Block focuses on therapy horses and how working with horses has been helpful to people with both physical and intellectual disabilities as well as people with emotional trauma.

Visionary Voices | Leaders Lessons Legacy

The "Visionary Voices | Leaders Lessons Legacy" project of the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University is collecting the stories of those who played a part, or were first-hand witness, to the events that changed the lives of people with intellectual disabilities in Pennsylvania. Starting in the 1960s, Pennsylvanians with disabilities, family members, and advocates have paved the way for national policies that have led to widespread reform.

This 17-minute video is an introduction to the Visionary Voices project, and serves as a sample of some of the amazing stories to be found on the website:

Marian Tasco Tribute

Produced by Attie & Goldwater Productions
Edited by Valerie Keller
Cinematography by Michael Attie
Music by Mathieu Gendreau

Although Marian Tasco retired from her position in Philadelphia City Council, after watching this video you will realize that this Philadelphia Councilwoman who has been a behind-the-scenes mover and shaker, an advocate for women and minorities, and a recognized leader who has worked with Philly luminaries like former mayors John Street and Michael Nutter, current mayor Jim Kenney, Representative Dwight Evans, City Council President Darrell Clarke, District Councilwoman Cherelle Parker and many more, will hardly disappear from public life.

Dancing Outside the Box

This award-winning video by David Block focuses on the world of wheelchair ballroom dancing through the story of Ray Leight, a wheelchair user who developed ballroom dancing curriculum for wheelchair users to dance with a standing partner.